Wednesday 15 April 2020

Funny Animals: Bear Sits Next to Guy

This amazing bear really sits next to this guy. After filming those 20 bears in the river, the camera could have turned to reveal his own face and that he's a bear, too. This bear appears to be pretty friendly. Everyone is lucky to escape without a fight.


  1. However, that bear is a smart creature and keeps 2 meters distance from a human due to coronavirus !! Just in case ...

    1. Funny. Some animals could be infected from humans. But, there is no evidence that humans can be infected from animals. Hopefully, humans can win the battle against Coronavirus Covid-19. Good luck, everyone.

  2. Here are some tips about what to do if you encounter a brown bear:

    Always carry bear spray. You will just have a few seconds to fire. So, keep the spray in a holster or front pocket.

    Don't run. Back away slowly if you can, still ready to spray. If the bear follows you, stop and stand your ground.

    Aim and spray. The best distance to spray a charging bear is about 40 to 50 feet. The idea is to create a wall of pepper spray between you and the bear.

    Hit the dirt. If the bear keeps charging, fall down and lace your fingers over the back of your neck to protect it. Guard your stomach by lying flat on the ground or by assuming a fetal position, with knees tucked under your chin. Don't move.

    Play dead. Even if the bear starts to attack, it's likely trying to neutralize you as a threat. Even if it walks away, don't get up. Grizzlies are known to linger and make sure you're dead, so stay down for at least 20 minutes.

    You will probably not overpower the bear, unless you have a very powerful weapon.

    Read more tips here:

  3. Fatal black bear attacks on humans are very rare (more so than any other species of bear). They occur on average of once per year across North America. About 1 black bear out of 1 million will attack a human in a predatory manner.

    Injuries caused by American black bears are usually minor. Brown bear attacks tend to result in more serious injuries.

  4. It is hard to "Play dead" in the moment then we got a high Adrenalin level in our body. It can push us "RUN"...

  5. Glock G20, enjoy the adventure!

    1. The Glock 20 is a very powerful gun, it seems. This means that it is extremely noisy and hard recoiling. It would take practise and training to use this weapon. Here is an interesting news article about how a Glock 20 ended a bear attack. Just Barely. When a New Mexico hunting guide reportedly found himself the target of a bear, he dropped his phone and reached his hands for his pistol. It would turn out to be one of the best decisions he ever made.

      Read more details here:
