Thursday 2 July 2020

Man vs. Canada Goose

This is a pretty interesting battle between a man and a Canada goose. The people laughing are funny. They probably have seen that goose fight people before and knew what the man was walking towards the goose already. This goose was full of purpose. Geese sure can chase people and hiss at people. It's funny how he swings a newspaper. You would be laughing a long time after watching this man's situation.

1 comment:

  1. Almost all hoofed animals are "grazers" - a word that comes from the word "grass" and which certainly means "grass eaters." Grazers include horses, cows, sheep, goats, bison, buffalo, deer, elk, wildebeest, zebras and kangaroos.

    Birds eat grass. Some of the many birds that eat lawn grubs include crows, starlings, grosbeaks, magpies, robins, and blue jays. In fact, the more birds in your yard, the better off your garden and lawn will be in terms of pest control.
