Saturday 4 January 2020

Russia has begun to test its own internal internet

It’s not quite clear at exactly what stage the testing is at. However, it is known that Russia has begun testing a national internet system. This system can function as an alternative to the broader internet web. This type of internet would help fight against cyber attacks, be resilient and more easily controlled. This is kind of a defensive system.

Of course some countries, like China, intensely regulate its internet and control what can be seen: websites, apps and services. Russia is testing something similar. A Runet (Russian Network) could exist that has necessary infrastructure to maintain a separate internal internet should such a thing become absolutely necessary. It could also be convenient for some to use specifically this internet.

Runet is focused on being able to prevent adverse consequences of global disconnection from the global network. To have sovereignty means to have the resources that can be turned on to prevent being cut off from the internet. They could create less disconnects from the internet.

Also keep in mind, there is also Internet Censorship in the Russian Federation that is enforced on the basis of several laws. A bill exists that has fines for those who are deemed (by the government) to be spreading "fake news" and show "blatant disrespect" toward the state authorities.

It is not feasible right now to have a Russian internet that is disconnected from the world. Russia is preparing more for the future. Russia, like everyone else, relies on resources located in other parts of the world. This is what it takes for internet to work.

A separate DNS system and physical infrastructure would be necessary. The infrastructure would connect parts of the country directly to the others (this is presently done through international connections).

This seems like a good idea that would increase security. There are still many possibilities of how the new internet could be used. It could serve many purposes.


  1. Some international human rights groups and opponents say this is an attempt to create a firewall around Russia’s internet and restrict information flow. The law’s introduction has drawn comparisons to China’s restrictive Great Firewall.

    The Great Firewall of China (GFW) is the combination of legislative actions and technologies enforced by the People's Republic of China to regulate the Internet domestically. Its role in Internet censorship in China is to block access to selected foreign websites. It also slows down cross-border internet traffic.

  2. Gibts aufs maul

    1. I translated "Gibts aufs maul" from German. I think it means "There is mouth."

      More translations:

      Putin invites Merkel to Russia over Iran crisis.
      Putin lädt Merkel wegen der Iran-Krise nach Russland ein.

      Germany Puts Its Head in Russia's Energy Pipeline Noose.
      Deutschland setzt seinen Kopf in Russlands Energiepipeline Noose.

      Russia crushes Germany to book quarterfinal ticket.
      Russland drängt Deutschland zum Viertelfinale.

      US halts building of Russia-Germany pipeline.
      US stoppt Bau der Russland-Deutschland-Pipeline.

      Germany Hails Russia-Ukraine Deal for Gas Transit to Europe.
      Deutschland begrüßt Russland-Ukraine-Abkommen für Gastransit nach Europa.

      Russian Gas Increasingly Important to Europe.
      Russisches Gas wird für Europa immer wichtiger.

  3. In 2019, Russia passed a law making it mandatory for devices sold in the country to be embedded with Russian apps. This will regulation will start in July 2020. There are some possibilities of creating a “whitelist” of allowed web sites.

    Russia successfully tested RuNet. India could follow Russia with this kind of domestic internet. India could try NayaBharatNet. It is important to protect national security and defend against cyber attacks.

  4. Interesting translations:
    Интересные переводы:

    Russia - Россия
    internal internet - внутренний интернет
    national internet system - национальная интернет-система
    cyber attacks - кибератаки
    regulate internet - регулировать интернет
    Runet - Рунет
    sovereignty - суверенитет
    censorship - цензура
    security - безопасность
    firewall - межсетевой экран

  5. What is OGAS ? (Общегосударственная автоматизированная система учёта и обработки информации)

    OGAS was a Soviet project to create a nationwide information network. The project began in 1962 but was denied necessary funding in 1970. It was one of a series of attempts to create a nationwide network analogous to what became the Internet, all of which failed.
