Monday 15 June 2020

Macron declares France "green zone" in first victory against coronavirus

Macron certainly has declared France a "green zone" in first victory against the Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic.

French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday gave Paris restaurants and cafés the green light to reopen fully and serve customers indoors, saying France has won "a first victory against the coronavirus."

In his first televised address to the nation in two months, the centrist president delivered a message that the worst was over and it was about time to get back to work.

Read more about France's "victory" here:


  1. Igor B News

    Translation: English to French:

    Macron déclare la France "zone verte" pour sa première victoire contre le coronavirus

    Macron a certainement déclaré la France "zone verte" lors de sa première victoire contre la pandémie de Coronavirus Covid-19.

    Le président français Emmanuel Macron a donné dimanche le feu vert aux restaurants et cafés de Paris pour rouvrir pleinement et servir les clients à l'intérieur, affirmant que la France a remporté "une première victoire contre le coronavirus".

    Dans son premier discours télévisé à la nation en deux mois, le président centriste a fait savoir que le pire était passé et qu'il était temps de se remettre au travail.

    En savoir plus sur la "victoire" de la France ici:

  2. France could have seen a greater collapse, but this major European economy seems to be growing again.

    French President Emmanuel Macron said in March that no French company, whatever its size, would be allowed to collapse because of the pandemic. The government will be spending close to $521 billion to help its economy recover, French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said this month.
