Wednesday 10 March 2021

Germans are getting tired of coronavirus restrictions

DW News shows that Pollster Infratest Dimap has just published its latest ARD-Deutschlandrend, a monthly nationwide survey. The poll was taken before the latest lockdown announcements. According to the poll, most Germans want coronavirus restrictions to be eased. The government's approval ratings have dropped.

Germany is extending its Covid-19 coronavirus shutdown by another 3 weeks until March 28. However, some restrictions will be eased to allow non-essential stores and other businesses to reopen in areas with relatively low infection rates. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the plan after talks with state leaders continued well into the night.

The new measures certainly still give a glimmer of hope that life will soon return to some kind of normal. Lockdowns will probably end in Germany when the majority of the population is vaccinated against Covid-19.

In additional German news, a lawmaker from German Chancellor Angela Merkel's party said on Monday he would quit parliament immediately after receiving payment for brokering face mask procurement deals for local authorities.

The scandal risks stirring more voter disgruntlement after Germany's ruling coalition of Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) and the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) came under fire for a slow COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

Read more about it here: German lawmaker from Merkel's conservatives quits over face mask scandal

Germany's economy has taken a hit in 2020. Germany’s economy contracted by 5% in 2020 as Covid-19 coronavirus lockdowns hit growth. Germany’s economy contracted by 5% in 2020, according to full-year GDP (gross domestic product) data. Coronavirus cases certainly have prompted several lockdowns on public life and economic activity in Germany. Lockdowns in Germany have been further extended many times.

More statistics:

Germany gdp growth rate for 2019 was 0.56%, a 0.71% decline from 2018.
Germany gdp growth rate for 2018 was 1.27%, a 1.33% decline from 2017.
Germany gdp growth rate for 2017 was 2.60%, a 0.37% increase from 2016.
Germany gdp growth rate for 2016 was 2.23%, a 0.74% increase from 2015.

Interesting Translations: German - English:


die Schließung - closure, closing, shutdown, shutting, conclusion, forming
die Stilllegung - closure, shutdown, laying-up
der Sendeschluss - shutdown, closedown, end of broadcasts
die Still-Legung - closure, shutdown, laying-up
Ausgangssperre - lockdown
das Wachstum - growth, development
die Entwicklung - development, developing, evolution, trend, growth, processing
der Zuwachs - growth, increase, increment, accrual
die Zunahme - increase, gain, growth, rise, increment, upsurge
das Anwachsen - growth, increase, growing, swelling, growing on, taking root
der Wuchs - growth, stature, build
die Größe - size, magnitude, quantity, height, greatness, growth
die Wucherung - proliferation, growth, rank growth, proud flesh
das Gewächs - plant, growth
die Geschwulst - tumor, lump, growth, tumour
Bruttoinlandsprodukt - gross domestic product
der Profit - profit, gain, makings, lucre
der Gewinn - profit, gain, win, income, prize, benefit
der Nutzen - use, benefit, value, utility, advantage, profit
der Ertrag - yield, earnings, profit, return, output, proceeds
der Vorteil - advantage, benefit, gain, good, profit, vantage
der Erfolg - success, result
der Verdienst - merit, earnings, income, credit, service, profit
das Plus - plus, increase, advantage, surplus, profit, positive pole
die Nutzung - use, utilization
die Ausbeute - yield, gain, harvest, result, profit, proceeds
der Virus - virus
der Erreger - pathogen, causative agent, virus, germ
das Geschwür - ulcer, boil, sore, abscess, virus
die Wirtschaft - economy, industry and commerce, pub, saloon
die Wirtschaftlichkeit - economy, economics, thrift
die Konjunktur - economy, economic situation
die Sparsamkeit - thrift, economy, frugality, economizing
die Einsparung - saving, reduction, economy, retrenchment
die Sparmaßnahme - economy
die Umfrage - survey, poll
die Erhebung - elevation, survey, levying, imposition, uprising, inquiry
die Befragung - survey, questioning, consultation, examination
die Übersicht - survey, overall view
die Untersuchung - investigation, examination, study, inquiry, inspection, survey
der Überblick - overview, review, view, survey, summary, overall view
die Vermessung - measurement, surveying, survey
die Begutachtung = assessment, survey, surveying
die Zusammenstellung - arranging, compiling, assembling, picking, arrangement, compilation


profitieren - benefit, profit, gain, capitalize
nutzen - use, benefit, utilize, take advantage of, make use of, profit
nützen - use, benefit, avail, profit, utilize, take advantage of
Nutzen ziehen - profit
Gewinn ziehen - profit
von Nutzen sein - profit
erweitern - expand, extend, widen, enlarge, broaden, increase
verlängern - extend, prolong, lengthen, renew, elongate, protract
ausdehnen - expand, extend, stretch, prolong, enlarge, elongate
ausbauen - remove, develop, extend, upgrade, build up, convert
reichen - range, reach, extend, suffice, hand, be enough
vergrößern - enlarge, increase, magnify, expand, extend, augment
ausfahren - extend, come out, go for a ride, deliver
vertiefen - deepen, recess
ausbreiten - spread, spread out, extend, unfold, stretch, lay out
sich erstrecken - extend, stretch, reach, carry on, last
ausstrecken - stretch out, extend, put out, hold out, thrust out, stick out
gewähren - grant, give, afford, accord, bestow, vouchsafe
ausziehen - take off, remove, undress, move out, strip, extend
sich ausdehnen - expand, extend, stretch, open out, go on
ausstrahlen - radiate, emit, broadcast, emanate, transmit, irradiate
aussprechen - express, pronounce, say, speak, voice, enunciate
sich ausbreiten - spread, propagate, extend, spread out, unfold, stretch out
erweisen - prove, show, render, give, bestow, extend
prolongieren - prolong, extend
anbauen - grow, cultivate, plant, add, sow, extend
sich hinziehen - extend, drag on, stretch, be delayed, wear on
einladen - invite, load, ask, treat, invite out, invite round
fordern - demand, require, ask, call for, claim, challenge
vermessen - measure, survey
untersuchen - examine, investigate, study, explore, test, survey
begutachten - examine, assess, survey, judge, have a look at, eye up
inspizieren - inspect, visit, survey, review
mustern - scrutinize, survey, inspect, look over, eye up, quiz

Germany (German: Deutschland) is officially the Federal Republic of Germany. This is a country at the intersection of Central and Western Europe. It is situated between the Baltic and North seas to the north, and the Alps to the south. It covers an area of 357,022 square kilometres (137,847 sq mi), with a population of over 83 million within its 16 constituent states. The country borders Denmark to the north, Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, Austria and Switzerland to the south, and France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands to the west. Germany is the second-most populous country in Europe after Russia. Germany is also the most populous member state of the European Union. Its capital and largest city is Berlin, and its financial centre is Frankfurt. In Germany, the largest urban area is the Ruhr. Germany is certainly a great power with a strong economy. Germany has the largest economy in Europe.

Deutsche Sprache:

Deutschland ist offiziell die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Dies ist ein Land an der Schnittstelle von Mittel- und Westeuropa. Es liegt zwischen der Ostsee und der Nordsee im Norden und den Alpen im Süden. Es umfasst eine Fläche von 357.022 Quadratkilometern mit einer Bevölkerung von über 83 Millionen in seinen 16 Mitgliedsstaaten. Das Land grenzt im Norden an Dänemark, im Osten an Polen und die Tschechische Republik, im Süden an Österreich und die Schweiz sowie im Westen an Frankreich, Luxemburg, Belgien und die Niederlande. Deutschland ist nach Russland das bevölkerungsreichste Land Europas. Deutschland ist auch der bevölkerungsreichste Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union. Die Hauptstadt und größte Stadt ist Berlin und das Finanzzentrum ist Frankfurt. In Deutschland ist das Ruhrgebiet das größte Stadtgebiet. Deutschland ist sicherlich eine Großmacht mit einer starken Wirtschaft. Deutschland hat die größte Volkswirtschaft in Europa.

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