Monday 22 March 2021

Funny Dog Cleans Floor and Best of 2021 Funny Animal Videos

There is a funny dog in this video that really cleans the floor. This is an animal diary you might want to watch. Hahaha sooo lovely and cute . Animals are undoubtedly very cute and adorable. Sometime you just can't stop yourself from loving them and laughing. These funny animals are amazing entertainment. Very funny creatures indeed are here. Cute animal lives will please you. This is so funny, indeed. Dogs always will be our best friends in life.

Dog intelligence is the dog's ability to perceive information and retain it as knowledge for applying to solve difficult problems. Studies of dogs suggest that dogs can learn by inference and have advanced memory skills. Inferences are steps in reasoning, moving from premises to logical consequences. A study with a dog Rico, a Border Collie, showed that he knew the labels of over 200 different items. Another dog had learned names and could associate by verbal command over 1,000 words. Dogs can read and react appropriately to human body language such as gesturing and pointing and human voice commands.

A study on canine cognitive abilities found that dogs' capabilities are no more exceptional than those of other animals, such as horses, chimpanzees, or cats. Various animals, including pigs, pigeons and chimpanzees, can remember the "what, where and when" of an event, which dogs cannot do - it seems.

It also seems that dogs demonstrate a theory of mind by engaging in deception. An experimental study showed compelling evidence that Australian dingos can outperform domestic dogs in non-social problem-solving, indicating that domestic dogs may have lost much of their original problem-solving abilities once they joined up with humans. Another study revealed that after undergoing training to solve a simple manipulation task, dogs faced with an insoluble version of the same problem look at the human, while socialized wolves do not. Dog behaviors can have different deep meanings with their owners.

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