Sunday 2 August 2020

Epic battle between Mute swan and Canada geese family

You will be amazed at this epic battle between Mute swan and Canada geese family. It seems that the male goose, the gander, was actually distracting the swan and drawing the swan away from his mate and his babies. It risked its safety. When a bird wants just to get a gulp of water is a different issue.


  1. I don't see any "Epic" battle . Just a goose protecting his gosling and gander from an aggressive swan. Then I see an ignorant fuck tormenting a gander and her flock as she is caught between a shit bird human and a fight. The swan is just looking for an easy snack. Mother nature bitch.

    1. It is interesting to observe how birds behave towards each other. This bird battle is sure something, epic or not epic. Yes, nature has lots of bird fights for us to watch.
